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[著作權] 著作權法的合理使用與個人使用 (摘要)/吳尚昆

Posted by gustav 
[著作權] 著作權法的合理使用與個人使用 (摘要)/吳尚昆

分類標籤: 法律

Fair Use and Personal Use in Copyright Law


Shang-Kun Wu





The aim of copyright system is indirectly to protect the rights of the author, even to promote the cultural development as its utmost target. The Principles of Fair Use take an important part in Copyright Law to balance the personal benefits of the author with the public benefits. In term of modern Copyright Law, the Principles of Fair Use can be explicated to have the idea of the user's right to secure that Copyright Law is colored with the public benefits. As to Personal Use, it means the user purely use the work, with no intend to gain the benefits by using the work from the copyright market. It can be divided into two types of Personal Use, one is without the ownership of the work, and the other is with the ownership of the work. Both have to be taken into different considerations for adopting into the Law.


Keywords: copyright, fair use, personal use, transaction cost


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2010 03:42PM by gustav.